Investigation of family resilience in infants with enterostomy
Si Longmei, Huang Liuming, Liu Gang, et al
(1. Department of Urology, PekingUniversity First Hospital, Beijing 100034, China; 2. Department of Pediatrics, the Seventh Medical Center ofChinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China)
Abstract: 【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the status of family resilience in infants with enterostomy, and analyze its influencing factors. Method Using convenient sampling method, 132 infants with enterostomyand their caregivers who were hospitalized in the Department of Pediatrics, the Seventh Medical Centerof Chinese PLA General Hospital from October 2021 to October 2023 were selected as the study objects.General information and disease information questionnaire, Family Resilience Questionnaire (FRQ), thecaring ability assessment scale of primary caregivers of infants with enterostomy and the Simple CopingStyle Questionnaire (SCSQ) were used to investigate them. Statistical methods performed by independentsample t-test, One-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear regressionanalysis. Result The total FRQ score of 132 infants with enterostomy was (75.34±15.47) points. Theresults of univariate analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences in FRQ scores ofgender, number of operations, course of disease, nutritional status and payment method of medical expenses(all P<0.05). The total score of the caring ability assessment scale of primary caregivers of infants withenterostomy was (126.38±29.09) points, and the coping tendency scores was (16.54±8.68) points. Pearsoncorrelation analysis showed that family resilience of infants with enterostomy was positively correlated withthe caring ability assessment scale and coping tendency scores of family primary caregivers (r=0.561, 0.438,all P<0.01). The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the number of operations, course ofdisease, nutritional status, caring ability and coping tendency of primary caregivers were the main influencingfactors of family resilience of infants with enterostomy (all P<0.05). Conclusion The family resilienceof infants with enterostomy is at a medium level. It is suggested that medical staff should actively guideparents to improve the family resilience level according to the influencing factors of family resilience, so as topromote the disease recovery of infants with enterostomy.
司龙妹 黄柳明 刘钢 刘丽 于滢 夏俏. 肠造口患儿家庭复原力的调查研究[J]. 发育医学电子杂志, 2024, 12(4): 249-254,262.
Si Longmei, Huang Liuming, Liu Gang, et al. Investigation of family resilience in infants with enterostomy. Journal of Developmental Medicine(Electronic Version), 2024, 12(4): 249-254,262.