Interfering effect of exogenous insulin-like growth factor-1 supplementation in oxygen induced retinopathy of prematurity
Li Xiaoxiang , Li Lihua , Li Qiuping
1.Beijing Luhe Hospital, Capital Medical Univercity, Beijing101100, China; 2. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Bayi Children's Hospital, Seventh Medical Center ofPLA General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China
【Abstract】 Objective To observe the effect of exogenous supplementation of human recombinantinsulin-like growth factor-1 (rhIGF-1) in oxygen-induced retinopathy neonatal mice model. MethodsKunming mice at 7 days after birth were randomly divided into 3 groups: hyperoxia rhIGF-1 group, aircontrol group, and hyperoxia saline group, with 16 mice in each group. Mice in the air control group wereassessed to room air. Mice at 7 days after birth in the hyperoxia saline groups and hyperoxia rhIGF-1group were assessed to expose to 55%-65 % oxygen for 12 days . At postnatal day 7 and 8,mice in thehyperoxia rhIGF-1 group received 0.5 mg/kg of rhIGF-1. While air control group and hyperoxia saline groupreceived the same dose of normal saline. At day 19 and 24, 8 mice were put to death, whose eyeballs were extirpated and ADP enzyme staining and stretched preparation of retina for observing retinal blood vessels division. HE dyeing was used for counting retinal vascular endothelial cells. Weightgrowth in each groupof mice was monitored every day. Statistical methods were carried out by t-test, ANOVA analysis and LSDmultiple comparison. Results Body weight gain was compared in each group. Body weight of the controlgroup growed faster than hyperoxia rhIGF-1 group and hyperoxia saline group with statistical significance(P<0.05, t=3.572, 7.553). It showed that hyperoxia has an inhibitory effect on weight gain in mice. P19mice in the hyperoxia rhIGF-1 group gained weight faster than the hyperoxia saline group with statistical
significance (P<0.05, t=3.980). It showed that rhIGF-1 could promote the weight gain of mice in high-oxygen
environment. The hyperoxia rhIGF-1 group was less than hyperoxia saline group in vascular endothelial cells
extending into the inner boundary membrane of retina with statistical significance (P<0.05). Retinal vessel
was normal at P19 and peripheral vascular occlusion was not obvious and peripheral vascular coverage was
high. At P24, neovascularization on retina was not obvious. Conclusion Exogenous complementing of
rhIGF-1 early can effectively promote weight growth of mice, and may mitigate the damage for the retina
caused by hyperoxia, and is expected to be a prophylaxis and treatment method for ROP