【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the effectiveness of appropriate technology training on congenital
gastrointestinal malformations for primary hospitals in parts of Xinjiang, and to investigate the degree of
cognition in primary medical staff. Methods From August 2018 to April 2019, we carried out appropriate
technology training on congenital gastrointestinal malformations to the departments of pediatrics in Kashgar,
Khotan and Bortara Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture, then conducted a questionnaire survey to the
participants. A total of 363 questionnaires were distributed, and 317 valid questionnaires were collected. The
effective recovery rate was 87.3%. The cognitive status, training status, acquisition of knowledgeandtrainingsatisfaction were investigated. Statistical methods were performed by t test and χ2 test. Results Among the317 respondents, only 98 people (30.9%) indicated that they had some knowledge about the managementprocess of congenital gastrointestinal malformations; the ratio of Kashgar, Hotan, Boltara MongoliaAutonomous Prefecture showed no statistical difference (χ2 =0.048, P>0.05). A total of 277 people (87.5%)were for the first time trained in appropriate techniques on congenital gastrointestinal malformations.A total of 262 people (82.7%) were satisfied with the training. In Kashi, Hotan and Boltara MongoliaAutonomous Prefecture, the proportion of students that were satisfied with the training was all higher than
80%, and there was no statistical difference among the three groups (χ2
=0.024, P>0.05). The average score
of the 317 respondents was (62±8) before training, but the average score was (81±12) after training.
The score after training was higher than that before training (t=17.483, P<0.01). Conclusions Themedical staff of primary hospitals in some areas of Xinjiang lack the relevant knowledge of diagnosisand treatment of congenital gastrointestinal malformations. After participating in the training, theprofessional level is improved with high satisfaction of training. The training has achieved good
results and is worth of popularizing to other regions.