震荡生理盐水,微气泡,右向左分流,系统静脉回流异常,肺动静脉瘘,超声心动图," /> 震荡生理盐水,微气泡,右向左分流,系统静脉回流异常,肺动静脉瘘,超声心动图,"/> Agitated saline,Microbubbles,Right-to-left shunt, Abnormal systemic venous return, Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula,Echocardiography ,"/> <div> <span style="line-height:2;font-size:14px;">震荡生理盐水微气泡显影试验在儿科心脏病</span><span style="line-height:2;font-size:14px;">超声诊断中的应用</span> </div>
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发育医学电子杂志  2020, Vol. 8 Issue (4): 351-357    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5340.2020.04.013
  结构畸形   临床经验交流 |
徐明 陈丁鸿 Sreekanthan Sundararaghavan 朱泽亮
新加坡竹脚妇幼医院 儿童心脏中心,新加坡 229899
Agitated saline contrast echocardiography in pediatric cardiology
Xu Ming, Tan Tenghong, Sreekanthan Sundararaghavan, et al
Cardiology Service,Department of Paediatric Subspecialties, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore 229899,
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【摘要】 目的  通过概述临床上应用震荡生理盐水微气泡显影试验 (saline contrast echocardiography,SCE)来评估小儿先天性和获得性心脏病的经验。 方法 对竹脚妇幼医院儿童心脏中心 20 年来曾使用震荡生理盐水微气泡超声显影试验的典型病例进行回顾,并通过文献复习来总结应用该技术的经验。结果  以 7 例患者的实例阐述了以 SCE 作为标准彩色超声心动图的辅助手段,不但可用于描述心外和心内右至左分流,也可以增强心肌 - 血液界面,从而延伸出其他用途。 结论 SCE 是标准彩色超声心动图检查的一项非常有用的辅助技术。该技术简单,易操作,很容易在床旁应用。尤其对具挑战性诊断问题的小儿患者,这项检查对厘清诊断很有帮助。

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关键词:  震荡生理盐水')" href="#">震荡生理盐水  微气泡  右向左分流  系统静脉回流异常  肺动静脉瘘  ')" href="#">超声心动图    
【Abstract】 Objective To outline our experience with the use of saline contrast echocardiography
(SCE)in the evaluation of paediatric patients with congenital and acquired heart disease. Methods
We have reviewed current literature and the range of cases for which we have used SCE over 20 years period
in Cardiology Service, Department of Paediatric Subspecialties, KK Women's and Children's Hospital,
and specific cases were used to illustrate our experience with this technique. Results We describe the
use of SCE as an adjunct to standard echocardiography in 7 cases. We have found this technique usefulindemonstrating extracardiac and intracardiac right to left shunts, and in enhancing myocardial-blood interface.Conclusion Agitated SCE is a useful adjunctive technique to standard echocardiography that is readilyapplied at the bedside and has been helpful, in our experience, in the work-up of paediatric patients withchallenging diagnostic cardiac problems.
Key words:  Agitated saline')" href="#">
收稿日期:  2020-06-28                     发布日期:  2020-11-04     
通讯作者:  徐明    E-mail:  xumingveronica@yahoo.com
徐明 陈丁鸿 Sreekanthan Sundararaghavan 朱泽亮.
[J]. 发育医学电子杂志, 2020, 8(4): 351-357.
Xu Ming, Tan Tenghong, Sreekanthan Sundararaghavan, et al.
Agitated saline contrast echocardiography in pediatric cardiology
. Journal of Developmental Medicine(Electronic Version), 2020, 8(4): 351-357.
http://www.fyyxzz.com/CN/10.3969/j.issn.2095-5340.2020.04.013  或          http://www.fyyxzz.com/CN/Y2020/V8/I4/351
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