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发育医学电子杂志  2022, Vol. 10 Issue (5): 373-377    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5340.2022.05.008
  结构畸形   论著 |
王刚 周更须 王辉 蒙强 宋林宏
解放军总医院儿科医学部 解放军总医院第七医学中心儿科研究所 出生缺陷防控关键技术国家工程实验室 儿童器官功能衰竭北京市重点实验室,北京 100700
Compare of two surgical methods for complete atrioventricular canal in infants
Wang Gang, Zhou Gengxu, Wang Hui, et al
Beijing Key Laboratory of PediatricOrgan Failure, National Engineering Laboratory for Birth Defects Prevention and Control of Key Technology,Institute of Pediatrics, the Seventh Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Faculty of Pediatrics, theChinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China
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摘要 【摘要】 目的  对比观察改良单片法和双片法矫治婴幼儿完全性房室通道畸形(complete atrioventricular
canal,CAVC)的临床效果和手术经验。 方法 回顾性分析2011 年1 月至2019 年1 月在解放军总医
院儿科医学部行CAVC 矫治手术的52 例患儿的临床资料。根据手术方法不同将患儿分为2 组:改良单片法组(n=28),双片法组(n=24)。比较两组患儿术前基本情况、手术治疗效果及远期预后。术后3、6、12
个月复查超声心动图和心电图,此后每年复查1 次超声心动图。随访患儿远期预后以及再手术等情况。
统计学方法采用t 检验、χ2 检验或Fisher 确切概率法。 结果 患儿合并唐氏综合征14 例(26.9%),合
并肺动脉高压20 例(38.5%)。合并其他心脏畸形包括动脉导管未闭11 例,继发孔型房间隔缺损28 例,
永存左上腔静脉5 例。术前共同房室瓣反流轻度20 例,中度25 例,重度7 例。改良单片法组与双片法组
的体外循环时间[ (92±29)与(119±35)min]和主动脉阻断时间[(68±23)与(88±28)min]比较,改良单片法组较低,差异均有统计学意义(t 值分别为3.124,3.352,P 值均<0.01)。术后早期死亡(术后30 d 内)2 例,死亡率3.8%(2/52),其中改良单片法组术后早期死亡率3.6%(1/28),双片法组4.2%(1/24),差异无统计学意义(P=1.000)。3 例患儿失访,随访率94.0%,随访的平均时间为22 个月(6~70 个月)。随访期间无远期死亡。室间隔缺损残余分流3 例(缺损<3 mm),继续随访。两组患儿中分别各有1 例因二尖瓣重度反流再次手术。  结论 婴幼儿期行CAVC 矫治手术效果满意,改良单片法手术操作更简便。两种手术方法瓣膜修复效果无明显差异。
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关键词:  完全性房室通道畸形  先天性心脏病  房室瓣反流  改良单片法  双片法    
Abstract: 【Abstract】 Objective To compare the clinical effect of modified single-patch technique and twopatch
technique for complete atrioventricular canal (CAVC) in infants. Method From January 2011 toJanuary 2019, the clinical data of 52 children who underwent CAVC correction in the Faculty of Pediatrics,the Chinese PLA General Hospital were retrospectively analyzed. The cases were divided into two groups:
modified single-patch technique group (n=28) and two-patch technique group (n=24). The preoperative basicinformation, surgical treatment effect and long-term prognosis were compared between the two groupsEchocardiography and electrocardiogram were reexamined at 3, 6, and 12 months after operation, andthereafter echocardiography was reexamined once a year. The long-term prognosis and reoperation
were followed up. Statistical methods performed by t-test, χ2 test or Fisher exact probabilitymethod. Result Fourteen cases (26.9%) were complicated with Down syndrome and 20 cases (38.5%)were complicated with pulmonary hypertension. Other cardiac malformations included patent ductusarteriosus in 11 cases, secondary hole atrial septal defect in 28 cases, and persistent left superior vena cavain 5 cases. Preoperative common Trioventricular regurgitation was mild in 20 cases, moderate in 25 casesand severe in 7 cases. The aortic cross-clamp time [(92±29) vs (119±35) min] and cardiopulmonary bypass
time [(68±23) vs (88±28)min] in two groups , the modified single-patch method group was lower than thosein the two-patch technique group, the difference were statistically significant (t=3.124, 3.352, P<0.05). Twopatients died early after operation (within 30 days after operation), and the mortality rate was 3.8% (2/52).The early postoperative mortality was 3.6% (1/28) in the modified single-slice group and 4.2% (1/24) in thetwo-patch technique group, and there were no significant difference (P=1.0001). Three cases were lost tofollow-up, and the follow-up rate was 94.0%. The average follow-up time was 22 months (6-70 months).There were no long-term deaths during follow-up. Three patients with residual shunt of ventricular septaldefect (defect <3 mm) were followed up. One case in each group underwent reoperation due to severe mitralregurgitation. Conclusion The effect of CAVC correction in infants is satisfactory. The modified singlepatchmethod can simplify the operation and shorten the operation time. There is no significant difference invalve repair between the two methods.
Key words:  Complete atrioventricular canal    Congenital heart disease    Atrioventricular valve regurgitation    Modified single-patch technique    Two-patch technique
收稿日期:  2021-07-13                     发布日期:  2022-09-30     
基金资助: 计生专项科研课题(20JSZ15)
通讯作者:  周更须    E-mail:
王刚 周更须 王辉 蒙强 宋林宏. 婴幼儿完全性房室通道畸形的两种手术方法比较[J]. 发育医学电子杂志, 2022, 10(5): 373-377.
Wang Gang, Zhou Gengxu, Wang Hui, et al. Compare of two surgical methods for complete atrioventricular canal in infants. Journal of Developmental Medicine(Electronic Version), 2022, 10(5): 373-377.
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