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发育医学电子杂志  2024, Vol. 12 Issue (3): 235-240    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5340.2024.03.013
  围产医学   综述 |产科 |
李银丹 郭敏 侯海燕
(1. 武装警察部队特色医学中心 军人生殖医学科,天津300162 ;2. 天津医科大学 研究生院,天津 300211 ;3. 天津医科大学第二医院 生殖医学与计划生育科,天津 300211)
Relationship between sex hormones level and sleep disorders in female
Li Yindan, Guo Min, Hou Haiyan
(1. Department of Military Reproductive Medicine, Chinese People’sArmed Police Force Characteristic Medical Center, Tianjin 300162, China; 2. Graduate College, TianjinMedical University, Tianjin 300211, China; 3. Department of Reproductive Medicine and Family Planning,the Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300211, China)
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摘要 【摘要】 睡眠障碍不仅对女性生活质量有影响,而且还对生理和情绪健康产生不良影响。女性在月经期、
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关键词:  性激素  睡眠障碍  妊娠  月经周期  绝经    
Abstract: 【Abstract】Sleep disorders not only have an impact on quality of life in female, but also adversely affect
physical and emotional health. Fluctuations in sex hormone levels during different stages of female life, suchas menstruation, pregnancy, and perimenopause, may be associated with various forms of sleep disorders.Levels of follicle-stimulating hormone may be associated with sleep disorders, whereas relationship betweenendogenous estrogen and sleep is controversial. Some endocrine disorders are also associated with sleep disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the relationship between female sex hormones level and sleep disorders, and it is important to improve the quality of female sleep if sex hormone fluctuations can beimproved by medications, which can improve the quality of female sleep in a special period of their lives.

Key words:  Sex hormone    Sleep disorder    Pregnancy    Menstrual cycle    Menopause
收稿日期:  2023-12-28                     发布日期:  2024-06-01     
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金(81402691)
通讯作者:  侯海燕    E-mail:
李银丹 郭敏 侯海燕. 女性性激素水平与睡眠障碍的关系[J]. 发育医学电子杂志, 2024, 12(3): 235-240.
Li Yindan, Guo Min, Hou Haiyan. Relationship between sex hormones level and sleep disorders in female. Journal of Developmental Medicine(Electronic Version), 2024, 12(3): 235-240.
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