Abstract: 【Abstract】 Objective To study whether the gender was the influential factor of the occurrence of broncho-pulmonary dysplasia in extremely preterm infatns (EPI) and extremely low birth weight infatns (ELBWI). Method From January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019, 380 cases of EPI and ELBWI with gestational age <28 weeks , birth weight <1 000 g, and survival ≥28 days , their clinical data was analyzedby retrospective method , who were treated in the Departmant of Neonatology, the Third Affiliated Hospitalof Guangzhou Medical University. To study the influence of gender on the incidence of BPD, and tocompare the differences in the incidence of BPD among infants of different genders in terms of the year ofbirth, different gestational age and birth weight. Statistical methods performed by Rank-sum test, χ2 test, χ2trend test, corrected χ2 test or Fisher's exact probability method. Result The incidence of BPD in maleswith EPI and ELBWI was significantly higher than that in females [87.9% (174/198) vs 68.7% (125/182),χ2=20.838, P<0.001).The incidence of BPD in both males and female children was increasing year by year(χ2 value trend was 12.721, 27.153, all P<0.001). In the first 5 years (2010-2014) and the last 5 years (2015-2019), the incidence of BPD in males with EPI and ELBWI was higher than that in females [79.2% (57/72)vs 41.1%(23/56), 92.9% (117/126) vs 81.0% (102/126), χ2=19.505, 7.846, all P<0.01], which was statisticalsignificance. Compared with the previous 5 years, the incidence of BPD in both male and female EPI andELBWI was significantly increased in the latter 5 years (χ2=8.062, 28.667, all P<0.01), but the increase ofincidence in female was even greater [81.0% (102/126) vs 41.1% (23/56), χ2=28.667, P<0.01]. According todifferent gestational age, there were all no significant differences in the incidence of BPD between male andfemale EPI/ELBWI in the groups of <26 weeks, 26-26+6 weeks and 27-27+6 weeks (all P>0.05). In the groupof gestational age with 28-28+6 week and 29-29+6 week , there were both significant differences between maleand female in ELBWI [96.3% (26/27) vs 92.8% (23/25), 73.7% (28/38) vs 52.0% (13/25), P=0.039, 0.005].Grouped by different birth weight, among the infants with ELBWI and non-EPI, there was no statisticallysignificant difference in the incidence of BPD between male and female in the birth weight <800 g and 800-899 g groups (all P>0.05), but the incidence of BPD in male infants was higher than that in female infantsin 900-999 g birth weight group [73.2% (41/56) vs 48.3% (29/60), all P<0.05]. Conclusion Male EPI/ELBWI is the predisposing target of BPD, and the "susceptibility" of BPD in male ELBWI of gestational age28-29 weeks is more prominent.