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发育医学电子杂志  2023, Vol. 11 Issue (1): 38-43    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5340.2023.01.007
  围产医学   论著 |产科 |
黄颀 曾祥丽
上海儿童医学中心三亚市妇女儿童医院 妇女保健科, 海南 三亚  572000
Study on the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and depression in pregnant women in Sanya city
Huang Qi, Zeng Xiangli
Department of Women's Health Care, Sanya Women and Children's HospitalManaged by Shanghai Children’s Medical Center, Hainan, Sanya 572000, China
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摘要 【摘要】 目的  探讨孕妇缺铁性贫血( iron deiciency anemia,IDA)与抑郁症之间的相关性。 方法 纳
入2020 年1 月至2021 年12 月在三亚市妇女儿童医院进行产前检查、资料完整的孕妇共2 571 例为研究对象。分为IDA 组和非IDA 组,并对孕妇进行抑郁状态评估。比较IDA 组和非IDA 组、抑郁症组和非抑郁症组的特征。统计学方法采用t 检验、χ2 检验、多元逐步Logistic 回归分析。 结果2 571 例孕妇中,561 例孕妇确诊为IDA,2 010 例为非IDA。IDA 组产次≥ 1 次的孕妇比例(22.99%,129 /561)明显低于非IDA 组(28.01%,563/2 010),两组之间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组之间在年龄、所在地区、教育水平、工作状况、主动或被动吸烟情况、流产史以及合并疾病情况等方面比较差异均无统计学意(P>0.05)。在纳入的研究对象中,232 例孕妇(232/2 571,9.02%)存在抑郁症,抑郁症组IDA 孕妇明显高于非抑郁症组,两组间比较差异具有统计学意义[30.17%(70/232)与 20.99%(491/2 339),P=0.001],IDA 程度在两组间差异也具有统计学意义(P=0.006)。多元逐步Logistic 回归分析结果显示,IDA(OR=2.717,95%CI :1.301~3.987,P=0.011)、贫血程度(OR=1.227,95%CI :1.035~1.452,P=0.020)、无业/ 待业(OR=4.151,95%CI :1.283~10.297,P=0.006)、流产史(OR=1.005,95%CI :1.001~1.010,P=0.017)、人工助孕(OR=1.471,95%CI:1.133~1.897,P=0.004)以及合并其他疾病(OR=5.032,95%CI:1.533~13.472,P=0.006)为孕妇抑郁症的危险因素。 结论 IDA 为孕妇发生抑郁症的危险因素,应进行治疗及心理干预,以改善妊娠结局。
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关键词:  缺铁性贫血  抑郁症  孕妇  流产  人工助孕    
Abstract: 【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the relationship between iron deficiency anemia (IDA) anddepression in pregnant women. Method The study included 2 571 pregnant women who had completedprenatal examination and information in Sanya Women and Children's Hospital from January 2020 toDecember 2021. The cases were divided into IDA group and non-IDA group, and the depression status ofpregnant women was evaluated. The characteristics of IDA group and non-IDA group and depression andnon-depression groups were compared. The statistical method was t test, χ2 test, and multiple stepwiseLogistic regression analysis. Result Of 2 571 pregnant women, 561 cases were diagnosed as IDAand 2 010 cases were diagnosed as non-IDA. 22.99% (129/561) of Pregnant women with ≥1 birth in IDAgroup were significantly lower than 28.01% (563/2 010) in non-IDA group, which was statistical significance(P<0.05). There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of age, location, educationlevel, work status, active or passive smoking, history of miscarriage, and comorbid diseases (P>0.05). Amongthe included cases, 232 pregnant women (232/2 571, 9.02%) had depression, and IDA in the depressedgroup was higher than that in the non-depressed group, with statistical significance [30.17% (70/232) vs20.99% (491/2 339), P=0.001]. There was also a statistically significant difference in IDA between the twogroups (P=0.006). Multivariate stepwise Logistic regression analysis showed that IDA (OR=2.717, 95%CI:1.301-3.987, P=0.011), the degree of the anemia (OR=1.227, 95%CI: 1.035-1.452, P=0.020), unemployed(OR=4.151, 95%CI: 1.283-10.297, P=0.006), history of miscarriage (OR=1.005, 95%CI: 1.001-1.010,P=0.017), assisted reproductive technologies (OR=1.471, 95%CI: 1.133-1.897, P=0.004) and concomitantother diseases (OR=5.032, 95%CI: 1.533-13.472, P=0.006) were risk factors for the occurrence of depressionin pregnant women. Conclusion  IDA is a risk factor for depression in pregnant women. Treatment andpsychological intervention should be carried out to improve the pregnancy outcome

Key words:  Iron deficiency anemia    Depression    Pregnant women    Miscarriage    Artificial assisted pregnancy
收稿日期:  2022-06-20                出版日期:  2023-01-31      发布日期:  2023-01-30      期的出版日期:  2023-01-31
基金资助: 海南省临床医学中心建设项目(2021-276)
通讯作者:  曾祥丽    E-mail:
黄颀 曾祥丽. 三亚市孕妇缺铁性贫血与抑郁症的相关性研究[J]. 发育医学电子杂志, 2023, 11(1): 38-43.
Huang Qi, Zeng Xiangli. Study on the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and depression in pregnant women in Sanya city. Journal of Developmental Medicine(Electronic Version), 2023, 11(1): 38-43.
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