肠造瘘术后,肠衰竭相关性肝病,营养支持,关瘘术 ," /> 肠造瘘术后,肠衰竭相关性肝病,营养支持,关瘘术 ,"/> Postentrostomy, Intestinal failure associated liver disease,Nutritional support,Enostomy closure,"/> <div> <span style="font-size:14px;line-height:2;">新生儿小肠造瘘术后肠衰竭相关性肝病的</span><span style="font-size:14px;">营养管理、关瘘手术时机和结局</span> </div>
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发育医学电子杂志  2021, Vol. 9 Issue (1): 55-59    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5340.2021.01.010
  围产医学   临床经验交流 |新生儿 |
邢国栋 黄柳明 刘钢 张璟 谢华伟 申州

解放军总医院第七医学中心 八一儿童医院 基础外科,北京 100700
Nutritional management, timing of enterostomy closure and outcome of intestinal failureassociated liver disease after neonatal enterostomy
Xing Guodong, Huang Liuming, Liu Gang, et al
Department of BasicSurgery, Bayi Children’s Hospital Affiliated to the Seventh Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China
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摘要 【摘要】 目的  探讨新生儿小肠造瘘术后肠衰竭相关性肝病营养管理和关瘘手术的相关问题,并评估
结局。 方法 选取 2016 年 1 月至 2018 年 12 月解放军总医院第七医学中心附属八一儿童医院基础外
科 18 例诊断为肠衰竭的高位肠造瘘合并肠衰竭相关性肝病新生儿的临床资料进行回顾性分析。所有
重增加困难,被迫提前行关瘘术。 结果  关瘘术后,16 例可过渡至完全肠内营养,脱离静脉营养,达到
出院标准,随访至术后 2 ~ 6 个月,患儿胆红素、肝功能均恢复至正常,体重追赶理想。4 例患儿出现并
发症,1 例因出现粘连性肠梗阻于保守治疗期间出现感染、弥散性血管内凝血(disseminated intravascular 
coagulation, DIC)而死亡;1 例出现吻合口狭窄,多次加奶后出现腹胀等不全性肠梗阻表现,于肠造瘘还
纳术后 2 个月再次行手术治疗,切除狭窄吻合口,重新行肠吻合术,术后 1 个月患儿恢复良好,目前肝功
能、胆红素已降至正常。出院患儿中,1 例患儿因回盲部及结肠大部分切除出现腹泻症状,需间断住院
改善脱水症状。 结论 新生儿肠造瘘术后肠衰竭相关性肝病患儿,采取合理的营养支持策略和恰当的
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【Abstract】 Objective To explore the related problems of nutrition management and operation of
neonates after enterostomy diagnosed as intestinal failure associated liver disease(IFALD),and evaluate
the prognosis of these neonates. Methods To retrospectively analyze the clinical date of 18 neonates with
IFALD in Department of Pediatric Surgery,Bayi Children's Hospital Affiliated to the Seventh Medical
Center of PLA General Hospital from January 2016 to December 2018. Nutritional support was given to all
patients after enterostomy and gradually changed into enteral nutrition. However, they had varying degrees ofdependence on intravenous nutrition support and were combined with IFALD eventually. Though we carriedout the individual nutrition management in accordance with the guidelines of the European Association ofPediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition and the clinical experience from our study center,children with liver function injury and cholestasis showed a progressive aggravation trend, and difficultiesin further parenteral nutrition and weight gain. Thus they were forced to perform enterostomy closure inadvance. Results After the operation, 16 patients were finally transited to complete enteral nutrition, totallyseparated from intravenous nutrition and reached the discharge criteria. After 2-6 months of follow-up, the bilirubinlevel and liver function of them was restored to normal with an ideal catch-up in weight. Complications occurredin 4 cases,one patient died of infection and disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC) during conservativetreatment for adhesive intestinal obstruction; one patient suffered from anastomotic stenosis, followed byincomplete intestinal obstruction characterized by abdominal distention after increasing the volume of milk feeding.The operation was carried out once again 2 months after the ostomy, removing the anastomotic stenosis andreperforming the enteroanastomosis. The patient recovered 1 month after the surgery. One month after discharge,his liver function and bilirubin level had turned to normal. Among the patients discharging from the hospital,one case had different degrees of diarrhea and needed intermittent treatments to manage the symptoms includingdehydration due to massive resection of his ileocecal and colon. Conclusion For neonates with liver diseaseassociated with IFALD after enterostomy, rational nutrition strategy and appropriate opportunity of enterostomyclosure may improve the prognosis
Key words:  line-height:2    Postentrostomy')" href="#">">Postentrostomy    Intestinal failure associated liver disease    Nutritional support    Enostomy closure
收稿日期:  2020-04-16                     发布日期:  2021-01-28     
通讯作者:  黄柳明    E-mail:  surhlm@126.com
邢国栋 黄柳明 刘钢 张璟 谢华伟 申州.
[J]. 发育医学电子杂志, 2021, 9(1): 55-59.
Xing Guodong, Huang Liuming, Liu Gang, et al. Nutritional management, timing of enterostomy closure and outcome of intestinal failureassociated liver disease after neonatal enterostomy. Journal of Developmental Medicine(Electronic Version), 2021, 9(1): 55-59.
http://www.fyyxzz.com/CN/10.3969/j.issn.2095-5340.2021.01.010  或          http://www.fyyxzz.com/CN/Y2021/V9/I1/55
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